We design MEP HVAC engineering systems with our satisfied customers in English, Spanish, French and German all over the world.
MEP & HVAC Engineering Hamburg
Hamburg is the best city for an international engineering office. Everyday the cargo ships bring good from all over the world and deliver hight quality technical products made in Germany.
green-energy-scout head office
The head office is the center of all communication. We can welcome our clients, architects, developers and investors in our representative wework meeting rooms. But also letters can be send to this address if needed.
Please do not write the company name in the adresse as there are so many green businesses here.
Andreas Esser
Axel-Springer-Platz 3,
20355 Hamburg
+49 40 22858090
+49 162 65 00 850
MEP HVAC Engineering International
Multilinual Engineers with education and expirience from Germay offer MEP engineering internationally. Some of our colleges sit in spain or elswhere. All what counts is the quality of engineering.
MEP HVAC engineering
Our HVAC engineering experts will increase efficiency and lower running cost for aircondinioning wordwide.

Feel free to check out our recent building project to get inspired by sustainable energy designe.
Especially our knowledge in tearms of Decicativ and Evaporative Cooling (DEC) can lower costs and the buildings CO2 footprint.
If you are interested in hydrogen, please get in touch with our collegues in Berlin.
The philosophie behind MEP HVAC engineering is circular economy
Key terms: Cradle to Cradle, C2C, Building Services, Circular Economy, Guidelines
The C2C-Principles will be applied on all disciplines of the building services. In each discipline C2C-Aims, C2C-Minimum- and No-Go-Criteria are defined and C2C-Roadmaps are designed. Systems and products are assessed on their suitability on fullfilling the C2C-Principles on fitting into a C2C-Building. Statements have been made throughout the planning process (Initial cenceptual design, system selection, dimensioning, material selection).
Johannes Stiegelmeyer Berlin
His thesis shows that there are changes of the objection in different disciplines by applying the C2C-Concept. Closed water and nutrient circles, positiv energy autarkie as well as a higher focus on the well being of inhabitans are placed in focus. The vision is to have an as big as possible positive impact with the building on the environment.